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Hey I'm Dasia! I'm your go-to girl for anything dealing with mental health, self-care, and personal growth. I created this blog to inspire other women to live healthier and happier lives. 


10 Affirmations To Boost Your Confidence

Self Care

August 31, 2020

woman self love smiles

Confidence-boosting affirmations help us eliminate one thing out of our lives. Can you guess what that one thing is? NEGATIVITY! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve allowed my inner critic to talk down about myself. Sometimes it lowers my self-esteem and that’s when I know it is becoming a problem.

Not all of the time you will be 100% confident in yourself and that’s okay. Many people struggle with confidence at all ages and at various stages of life. We can’t let ourselves stay in that kind of funk though!

10 Positive Affirmations To Boost Your Confidence

1 / I am fine just the way I am.

You are an amazing person and don’t you ever forget it. Stop comparing yourself to who you see on social media. We all come in different shapes and sizes and are beautiful in our own way. Don’t try to fit in. Instead, be comfortable with standing out.

2 / I am an inspiration to others.

While you’re being hard on yourself. There’s someone who is inspired by you. And most of the time you aren’t even aware of it. Someone could be inspired by your patience in life, your creativity, or even the fact that you show up and be present and kind to others, even when you’re battling your own problems.

3 / My feelings are valid.

Your feelings and emotions matter. And it’s okay to feel them. No one on earth can tell you that your feelings are wrong.

4 / I am worthy of love

You deserve to be loved, no matter the situation. Don’t let that little voice in your head trick you into thinking you don’t. You deserve any love that is given to you. And whether you recognize it or not, you have a long line of love deep inside of you. And that kind of love never runs dry. Try loving yourself first. It’s better that way anyway.

5 / I am the author of my own story.

We all have a story to tell. And no one can advise you on how to tell it.

6 / Every day I will become more confident, powerful, and successful.

Even if you are struggling with confidence right now, know that every day you are growing. You will get to where you want to be in life despite what’s preventing you from doing so right now. People with severe anxiety may experience this.

7 / I believe in my capabilities.

You are capable of doing anything you put your mind to. Don’t let anything hold you back, especially fear.

8 / I let go of any negative feelings about myself and accept all that is good.

What’s my favorite saying here on the blog? Focus on the good and leave the negative where it’s at. But let’s be honest, I can’t take my own advice sometimes. Sometimes my anxiety has a way of just getting to me until I put it in its place. So I get it. It happens. But it’s important to practice releasing those thoughts. Negativity can bring you to places you don’t want to be and it affects your mood and behavior.

9 / As long as I am happy with who I am, that is all that matters.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of you. This is your life. So live it by any means necessary. There will always be someone who doesn’t like you and may not even have a reason for it. Reason or not, screw them. It’s not worth your time.

10 / Every challenge I face is an opportunity to grow and improve.

Sometimes we run into obstacles in life and they bring us down. A lot of times we stay down due to feeling defeated. It’s important to remember that shit happens in life and it is a must that you keep pushing through. So remember, when life takes a turn just know that you got this. Don’t stay down. Get back up and try again. That’s how you learn and grow from things!

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  1. Anita says:

    Lovely affirmations. Nice blog you have here.

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Hey I'm Dasia! I'm your go-to girl for anything dealing with mental health, self-care, and personal growth. I created this blog to inspire other women to live healthier and happier lives. 

