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Hey I'm Dasia! I'm your go-to girl for anything dealing with mental health, self-care, and personal growth. I created this blog to inspire other women to live healthier and happier lives. 


4 Signs You’re Mentally Exhausted & How To Overcome It

Mental Health

January 30, 2021

mentally exhausted image

Life can be pretty overwhelming as we all know. Sometimes you’re doing great then sometimes you’re doing bad. Sometimes the bad can outweigh the good for a while, and when this happens, you begin to become mentally exhausted. Everyone has experienced mental exhaustion in their life at some point whether it’s from work, family stress, or mental health problems. These symptoms can affect your well-being and productivity so it’s important to recognize when you’re mentally exhausted. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing with you four signs to look out for.

4 Signs you’re mentally exhausted:

1. No Motivation

You want to get something done but you have no motivation? When you’re mentally exhausted, your energy is one of the first things to leave. It’s hard when you don’t have any motivation to do anything because you don’t get anything done. When you’re not motivated, you’re less productive and I don’t know about you but that always makes me feel bad.

I love it when I get things accomplished and when I am mentally exhausted, I have to say that I never have any energy to do important things that I should be doing. It sucks. But it happens to the best of us.

2. Easily Irritated

Being easily irritable is a sign of emotional exhaustion because you don’t have the mental strength to deal with others. Your mind will focus on the negative aspects of your life which will cause you to lose your temper easily. The smallest things can make you upset or even piss you off and you may not even realize it until after the damage has been done.

When you notice you are easily irritated, it’s best to not be around anyone because almost anything will tick you off and that isn’t healthy.

3. Lack Of Sleep

Mental exhaustion makes it impossible to shut off your racing mind and its thoughts at night so you find yourself wide awake at night. This can bring on insomnia. And of course, being on your smartphone isn’t going to help anything at all either.

But it’s important to make sure you are sleeping well because not getting enough sleep will take a toll on your mental health and cause extreme exhaustion. Our bodies need proper sleep.

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4. Detachment

It is easy to become detached during a mentally exhausting period. This is similar to feelings of depression as nothing affects you anymore. You feel numb and/or emotionless. You isolate yourself from family or friends. You feel drained.

I experience this often when I am mentally exhausted and I do find myself isolating myself a lot. When you’ve pushed yourself past your limit, there is only so much more you want to deal with in life. So you kind of just push everything and everyone away.

How To Overcome Mental Exhaustion

We’re good at making situations seem more challenging than they are. But you can likely manage what’s happening in your life right now. There are numerous things you can do to help ease your way through the mentally exhausting stage in your life.

Eat well

It’s common to eat junk food or to eat too little when you’re super stressed. This only serves to make things worse. Make an effort to eat nutritiously when life is beating you up. Also, avoid the temptation to overeat. Try to maintain your normal diet. I know this is all easier said than done because I love to overeat whenever I am overly stressed.


Stress wears out your mind and body. Give yourself the chance to sleep 7-8 eight hours each night. Regular, good-quality sleep will give you clarity and energy to better deal with your challenges. When your body doesn’t get the proper amount of sleep it needs, it can cause thinking issues and even weaken your immune system. It can cause a lot of other issues that you wouldn’t even think of. Sleep is really important.

Determine what you can control

Sometimes life is hard and there’s nothing you can do about it. If you can’t do anything about it, what is the value of worrying? Note to self. I should write that down! Figure out what you can control and then give those things your attention. Don’t worry about things that are out of your control because all that will do is just work yourself up and it will all be for nothing. It will not do you any good. So save yourself some time and stress.

Identify what’s making you feel mentally exhausted

Is it just one thing? Or is it a lifestyle that you simply don’t feel you can maintain any longer? Maybe you’re having challenges at home, work, health issues, and financially. Take the time to identify what is causing you the greatest amount of pain and you’ll find your challenge easier to manage.

Sometimes we overlook what the root cause of our problems is. Sit back and think about what is causing you to feel like this right now and what can you do about it.

Disconnect electronically

Your smartphone, TV, and internet are stimulating, but that’s not what you need when you’re mentally exhausted. Take a night or an entire weekend off. Read a book or listen to some music. Have dinner with a friend. Go out for a walk and get some sunlight. Be present.

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Make relaxation part of your schedule

You plan everything else, so plan your relaxation time, too. Even 30 minutes can be meaningful and give you something to look forward to each day. Meditation is a great way to relax and is a perfect fit for a 30-minute break each day. Whatever you find relaxing, just do it. Just be sure to do it each day. It’s important to make time for yourself.

Take care of yourself

Avoid burying your head in the sand when you begin to feel mentally exhausted. The current drama in your life won’t last. You’ve successfully dealt with similar feelings before. Taking good care of your body is half the battle. Focus on the things you can control and let go of the rest. Good times are ahead my friend.

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